Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Still sick, but good news anyway!

Seriously, I turn into a big baby when I have a cold, so it's a mercy that I'm keeping this brief.

Less about me, more about good news.

Good news item the first: My husband Chris is an official employee at his new job. Hurray for that!

Good news item the second: My Aunt B, aka my favorite aunt, just opened an Etsy shop. She makes gorgeous pendants. I have her one and only pendant with a cab set in it, and it's malachite. If you're wondering why she's my favorite aunt, it's because she's fun, loving, artistic, and makes good burritos.


  1. Congratulations to Chris!
    Your aunt's pendants are lovely,


    PS: Take care.

  2. Sorry you're still sick :(
    Congrats to Chris! Is this where he was working in February?

  3. The pendants are very nice, but people would probably like to know more about how they're made -- PMC? Her own molds? Soldering?

  4. Thanks everyone, I'm almost all better and Chris is happy about his job :)

    Charlene, it is in fact the same place. They keep him working VERY hard, but he likes it.

    Marilee, I'll ask Aunt B to put some info about how her pendants are made... I'm pretty sure they're soldered, though.
