Thursday, April 24, 2008

How do you like them apples?

Last night, instead of our usual roleplaying, six of us played a rousing game of Apples to Apples. Much fun was had by everyone! It's good to get together with a group of friends and be silly, especially since I've had to spend so much time being mature and responsible with the whole housing thing.

Speaking of that, it looks like everything is going great, and we'll be closing on June 11th. I spent some time this week packing, and now I've filled up all the boxes I had (I didn't have very many). One problem with packing early is that I now have to deal with stacks of boxes for the next month and a half. For now they all fit under my beadroom desk, but it's gonna get ugly soon!

In anticipation of my new home, I bought myself a beautiful print by Meredith Dillman. It's called Throne of Ravens. I love ravens and crows and pretty winged ladies, so I just had to have it. I purchased it on Monday and it arrived today, so I'm very impressed with her speedy shipping! I'll definitely be buying more from her in the future.


  1. Nice print! You can frequently get more boxes from office supply places.

  2. Yeah, I need to go get some. But first I need to get rid of the bags of thrift store stuff so I actually have room to get to the things I need to pack.
