Wednesday, July 22, 2009

See, I told you!

As promised yesterday, something new! I call this beauty Nomadic Treasure. It is now my favorite of my tribal-themed offerings. Too often I stick to a very simple color palette, but the mendhi designs on the focal bead forced me to use red, green and blue all in the same necklace. This makes it feel more authentically tribal, as many of the kuchi jewelry pieces have multiple colors in them, especially red, blue and green. It should be easy for any dancer to coordinate this necklace with a coin belt, or the adornments of her turban, or a nice chunky bangle.

In keeping with the tribal theme, Midnight Dancer is once again the Daily Special.

Also, I'm working on modifying that damaged vintage Taxco sterling necklace, and I hope to be done with it by the weekend, so expect a post on that soon, too!


  1. Oh wow, that is really really pretty!

  2. lovely palette, that actually adds another texture to this beautiful piece.
