Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thursday Thirteen, Volume 2

Thirteen Things about AJ

This week, it's Thirteen Things I Need or Want To Do Before I Host Thanksgiving For The First Time.

1. Actually finalize plans with my family, as to when they'll come over and who is making and providing what.

2. Buy the things that we are providing.

3. Seriously clean the house. While doing a basic cleaning yesterday, I noticed a lot of oft-ignored jobs that need doing.

4. Wash all the fancy plates. Some people have China. I have heavy pottery dishes with brown and glowing turquoise glaze.

5. Wash the new silverware. We got the style with bamboo-shaped handles.

6. Decide if I want any fancy platters or bowls to hold things in, and if so, purchase them.

7. Come up with an attractive way to cover the hole that one of the dogs chewed in the couch last night. Seriously dogs, we were gone for 15 minutes. What is up with destroying the couch?

8. Design and bead a new necklace to wear, because I haven't made anything for myself for a while! Maybe something involving one of the adorable vintage faerie buttons that arrived in yesterday's mail (goodness, I love Etsy), or a green rivoli. Or both!

9. Make sure that all holiday presents already procured for the family are safely hidden away in the guest room closet.

10. Give the dogs a bath, because no one is ever thankful for stinky, dusty dogs.

11. Figure out where we are going to put all of that food, and more importantly, how to keep the cats out of it.

12. Go buy more olives, because no matter how many we have, it's never enough for my husband and my brother, who will nosh on them constantly while the rest of the meal is cooking, and yet somehow still have room for a gigantic dinner.

13. Pre-write next week's T13 post, because I know I won't have time to blog!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  1. It'll work out, don't worry.

  2. Oh, I'm not worried at all :) My family is very laid back, so if any of that doesn't get done, aside from buying food, it won't be a huge deal.
