Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Who invited you, Autumn?

It was really windy yesterday. I had this silly hope that the wind was blowing in some much-needed rain, but no. It was blowing in Autumn! It's still windy today, but it's a cold wind, the kind that cuts right through clothing and leaves you shivering.

Summer was nice while it lasted!

Here in Tucson, sometimes we have very warm Halloweens, and I can wear belly dance costumes outdoors. Othertimes, like this year, it's the sort of Halloween where I want to just wrap up in a beautiful cloak. I'll probably compromise, and wear a belly dance costume, but not bare my midriff. Or I might just wear some Ren Faire clothes from my pre-dancing days. We'll see what mood strikes me on Saturday. Who knows, maybe it will have warmed up a bit.


  1. Do you hand out candy or go to a party?

  2. I have had a sweater or warm clothes since Monday, I have lost all my Minnesota warm blood...oh well:)


  3. Marilee, I'm going to a steampunk belly dance party in Tempe tomorrow, and on Saturday I'll hand out candy until I run out of candy/children to give it to/patience with the freaking cold weather.

    I had invites for a couple of parties here in town on Saturday, but I don't like the idea of leaving my pups home alone on Halloween, all the people coming up and ringing the doorbell would drive them crazy.

    Jolene, it's so easy to adapt to our wonderful, warm weather. I have no idea how my husband has kept his warm NY blood for the almost 12 years he's lived here.

  4. Temps are "suppose" to be back up by the weekend. I say "suppose" because it was suppose to rain yesterday and didn't.

    I, for one, am loving this weather. Good-bye summer!!!
