Saturday, June 14, 2008

We're living in our house!

Weee! Chris and I have moved into our new house. Things are pretty chaotic and messy right now, but I've been working hard to get things organized. I have to, as the furniture is arriving on Tuesday and there needs to be a place to put it! Right now almost all of our stuff is piled up in the living room, waiting to be redistributed to the proper rooms.

Our friends and family really worked hard to help with the move, and made it go a lot more smoothly than it would have if we'd just done it ourselves.

There are still some things left in the apartment, waiting for us to take another trip or three next week, but all of the important things are over here now: beads, cats, us, chocolate, and pillows. The pillows kept getting forgotten and required a special trip last night hours after we thought we were done.

Now I have to learn how to take care of a house... maintenance, and cleaning all this extra space, and watering and trimming my various plants. It's exciting, and should keep me very busy!

In the meantime, my temporary computer space is not very ergonomic, so I'm going to cut this short and relax my poor shoulders. New desk won't get here until Tues or Weds, yikes!

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