Tuesday, January 19, 2010

That didn't help...

Well, I found the missing piece of beadwork, reverse engineered it so I could make little elements for my necklace... and then decided that I didn't like how they looked for this design.

Back to the drawing board!

I have all these gorgeous beads that I want to use in the necklace, and I've just been banging my head against a virtual wall on how to use them in a way that will be beautiful, elegant, and suitable for the focal.

In other news... yay, it's raining! We haven't had any rain here for quite some time.


  1. Glad you were only using a virtual wall....No bruising that way. LOL. Too bad your idea didn't work.

  2. Keep changing things around, maybe you'll find the perfect result!

  3. LOL, Arline, I get plenty of real bruises at the gym!

    Marilee, that's my project for this week, try to settle on a design... otherwise I won't have time to finish it before the gem show!
