Erthe Fae Designs is now closed for the holidays! The one exception to this is if you're in Tucson and want to arrange an in-person meet-up to receive your jewelry. Otherwise, I will be avoiding the Post Office until the 27th. I do so hate lines.
I was so excited earlier, because I thought I was all done with my holiday shopping... but then I discovered that my husband's main gift was $15 less than I had budgeted for, so I have to buy him one more little present. Not sure what I'll get him, and I can't even discuss ideas here, because he reads my blog. Hey Chris! Want to drop some hints? Yeah, I didn't think so.
My parents randomly decided to have a Christmas tree this year, so I think I might break out my polyclay and make them an ornament tomorrow. I can't make a beaded one, because their young Siamese-mix kitty Loki likes to play with the tree. Silly Loki! My parents deserve a special ornament, because Dad came over here at 8 o clock last night to fix our furnace, thus saving us from a very cold night. Hooray for Dad! He rocks!
I was just going to drop things in the post office drive-by box tomorrow, but now I'm mailing a book. Fortunately, I go out in the middle of the day, so it's not as bad as other times.