Friday, October 01, 2010

Let's talk about Etsy!

It's time for the weekly Etsy round-up! First, I migrated two items from the old website to Etsy, complete with beautiful new photographs. Pictured above is Medeine, and I also listed Queen of the Arctic Ocean.

I also took the time to make a new Treasury, Bellydance Daydreams. You can still view A Rainbow of Masks, too. I've been updating it as masks have sold, so it's constantly changing.

Next week should be even more Etsyful!


  1. I love Medeine! Not just the beads, but the work!

    (I have a real word to verify -- nutless!)

  2. Thank you! It's one of those pieces that is really very simple but elegant.

    I'm glad to know that my comment section is nutless, I wouldn't want anyone to have an allergic reaction ;)
