Sunday, March 08, 2009

Arline's Doll

In the comments of my last blog post, Arline mentioned that her doll was going up on this week's bead auction. I thought that you all might like to see her! Her name is Fire Dancer, and not only did Arline do all of the bead embroidery work that you see on her, but she also stitched the doll form and made the face. You can see her, and the other eight awesome BFAC items for this week right here. Bidding's already off to a good start!

Due to our usual auctioneer being in the hospital (get better soon, Marilee!), I had to take over listing the auctions. I have to say, I am not a big fan of eBay's interface. I messed up the picture on Sandra Graves' beaded vase, and I can't edit the HTML to fix it! On Etsy, it would be a simple matter of going to the photo section, removing it, and re-uploading it. Of course, on Etsy, everything would be fixed price instead of auctioning. Oh well.

Yesterday I received Diane Fitzgerald's new book, Shaped Beadwork, and it looks pretty awesome. So far I've only flipped through it and drooled over the pictures, but I hope to sit down and actually read it soon, maybe test some of the techniques, and post an actual review.


  1. That doll is beautiful.

    I would love to hear what you think of her book. I haven't seen it yet and have been debating about ordering it.

  2. Thank you, AJ, for featuring my doll on your blog. What a surprise! I think you did a terrific job on the pictures and in taking over for Marilee. Sure hope she gets better soon.

  3. Christina, the more I look at Diane's new book, the more I like it. Starting sometime this week, my husband and I are going to do one basic shape a night (maybe more, if we're not busy) to test the directions.

    Arline, it sounds like Marilee is on the road to recovery. I sure miss her!
