Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Farewell Medusa!

Well, I *said* I wasn't going to do any more shipping this month, but when a gentleman contacted me on Etsy asking if I could mail this necklace because it was the perfect Christmas present for his girlfriend, I couldn't say no! So off I went to the post office.

Both of my Medusa necklaces sold this year, which tells me that I had better get some more Medusa pendants from Green Girl in February, and maybe shop around for some other Medusa focals to add to my line.

And now, back to the present I was working on when I had to drop everything and rush off to USPS!


  1. what's not to like about Medusa??!

    awesome last minute sale :D

  2. Well, I've had those two Medusa necklaces for a while and they did get featured on some blogs/treasuries... but I think Medusa is one of those figures that people either love or couldn't care less about.

    The funny thing is that I hate snakes, but I love Medusa and nagas.
